Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thank You!

We really appreciate all of you who sent notes, emails and comments regarding your participation in prayer and fasting for Bryan!! When we went to chemo this week, Bryan was so tired and weak, we assumed they would get the lab results and send him home. Much to our surprise, his electrolytes were normal and the bilirubin level down. The internal bleeding during the week lowered his hematocrit to 29,but the doctor didn't seemed too concerned. He asked us to continue monitoring Bryan's temp, blood pressure and shortness of breath to make sure the situation didn't get worse and justify a need for more blood. So far so good--the bleeding has stopped and he is maintaining his blood pressure! Thank you, Lord!

The best news is that Bryan was able to get the CPT-11 (also named irinotecan or camptosar)! This is the "big gun" chemo to which his tumors respond. He has not received it for quite awhile due to the elevated bilirubin level. Dr. Chen decided to give Bryan a low dose of CPT even though his bili was 9.8. The increased bili level causes the chemo to remain in the body longer and so Dr. Chen's thought was maybe the low dose would be equivalent to a high dose since it will remain longer. We were willing to give it a try; without it the cancer gets a leg up so what really does Bryan have to lose?

We are rejoicing in the goodness of God and how He continues to give us positive surprises!!! Thank you for all your prayers!!!


The Whitehouse Family said...

Susan -
Thank you for the update! What an amazing surprise to find that Bryan could handle chemo yesterday! Thank you Lord! It really is a moment by moment journey isn't it? That is true for all of us - but your family's journey is a good reminder of that truth for me and my life! Thank you for your faithfulness in the journey - your testimony points me to Christ!
Will continue in prayer!

Nanci Smith said...

Praising God with you!
I think fasting once a week would be a great idea...maybe always on chemo day? Look at all it accomplished in just one day! Thank you Jesus!

Your faith and courage in this ordeal has so encouraged my faith and given me courage as I battle for our son's recovery from autism. Although we don't yet attend your fellowship (praying that will be possible some day for us) I consider myself part of your "flock" as you minister to me so much.

Art Lutz said...

Dear Sue and Bryan,
What wonderful news! We just go along praying and leaving our lives in God's hands--right? Total submission to God's will is what He wants.

God's blessings to you and your family.

Art Lutz